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Производитель: CISCO


The Cisco PIX 506E Firewall is a purpose-built security appliance that provides rich security services including stateful inspection firewalling, virtual private networking (VPN) and intrusion protection in a single device.

Enterprise-Class Security for Remote Office/Branch Office Environments

The Cisco PIX 506E Firewall is a purpose-built security appliance that provides rich security services including stateful inspection firewalling, virtual private networking (VPN) and intrusion protection in a single device. Using the Cisco state-of-the-art Adaptive Security Algorithm (ASA) and PIX operating system, the PIX 506E ensures that all the users behind it are safe and secure from threats lurking on the Internet. Its powerful stateful inspection firewall technology keeps track of the state of authorized users' network requests and prevents unauthorized network access.

By leveraging the flexible access control capabilities of the PIX 506E, administrators can also enforce customized policies on network traffic traversing through the firewall. Access to your network resources can be strongly authenticated via PIX 506E's seamless integration with your backend enterprise databases, either directly using TACACS/RADIUS or indirectly via Cisco Secure Access Control Server (ACS).

The Cisco PIX 506E Firewall can secure all network communications from remote offices to corporate networks across the Internet using its standards-based Internet Key Exchange (IKE)/IP security (IPsec) VPN capabilities. By encrypting data with advanced 168-bit Triple DES (3DES) encryption, prying eyes cannot see your sensitive corporate data as it safely travels across the Internet.

The integrated intrusion protection capabilities of the Cisco PIX 506E Firewall can protect your network from many popular forms of attacks. Looking for over 55 different attack "signatures," PIX keeps a vigilant watch for attacks and optionally blocks them or notifies you of them in real time.






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